A custom typeface commissioned by the largest satellite phone network operator in Turkey.

A custom typeface commissioned by the largest satellite phone network operator in Turkey.

A custom typeface commissioned by the largest satellite phone network operator in Turkey.

A custom typeface commissioned by the largest satellite phone network operator in Turkey.

Client: Turkcell
Design: Onur Yazıcıgil
Year: 2020
Client: Turkcell
Design: Onur Yazıcıgil
Year: 2020

NoMO is a custom variable font family designed for a novel Turkcell operation. It takes its inspiration from Kaart Antieke’s generous width and the grotesque flavors of early 20th-century sanserifs. It consists of nine weights with their accompanying italics all bundled together into two variable fonts.

NoMO is a custom variable font family designed for a novel Turkcell operation. It takes its inspiration from Kaart Antieke’s generous width and the grotesque flavors of early 20th-century sanserifs. It consists of nine weights with their accompanying italics all bundled together into two variable fonts.


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Sabancı University
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul

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